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AT&T - Legacy S Bargaining Unit - incl Global Services (fka DataCom)

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AT&T Seniority Lists


DTV update from District 4

The following is the latest DTV update we have received from District 4:


TO:  CWA District 4 Local Presidents - AT&T Midwest

Dear Colleagues:

 I wanted to give you another quick update concerning the status of DirecTV.  Most of the Districts are reporting successful card check recognition of the current DTV regular employees, who are now AT&T employees.   In the Midwest, as you know, we have two locations with those employees and were certified under the card check agreement on May 18th by the American Arbitration Association (AAA).  Great work was done by Locals 4217 and 4320 in gaining a majority of cards.

For those who attended the recent Ad Hoc Meeting prior to the Presidents' Meeting, you may have heard there is an agreement to have two National tables to discuss the common issues of inclusion into our contracts.  One table for centers, and one for the technicians and associated titles.   Since we don't have centers in the Midwest, I will only inform you of the plans for the field forces.  

As agreed to by the Telecom VPs and AT&T, that table will meet in D6 and be made up of a DTV/AT&T employee from each District.  The National table is chaired by Mike Neumann, Area Director to District 6 Vice President Claude Cummings.  Jay Walther, President of Local 4320, who has a majority of those workers, has a technician from his Local representing the DTV/AT&T members in the Midwest.  

Online bargaining surveys are currently being filled-out by those members across the country.  The goal of this National table is to try and reach an agreement on common issues that affect all Districts.  Once that’s complete, at least here in D4, our Midwest AT&T Bargaining Committee will be involved with any Local issues we may have concerning the inclusion of those members.

You have probably also heard that IBEW is in negotiations with AT&T in Chicago.  Their negotiations are for the DTV employees they may represent across the country and have nothing to do with the CWA-represented members. 

In Solidarity,
Linda L. Hinton
Vice President
CWA District 4


Direct TV update from District 4

The following is the latest DTV update we have received from District 4:


TO:  CWA District 4 Local Presidents - AT&T Midwest

Dear Colleagues:

I wanted to update concerns about the status of DirecTV and issues regarding work covered by Appendix F.

First, let me say that I understand all your frustration, and it is equally shared by the District 4 staff with AT&T responsibilities, and myself.  I continue to hope that our shared frustration ultimately is expressed and directed at the appropriate party rather than at each other.

 As you already know, in the time leading up to the Labor Advisory Forum and the Common Interest Forum, and still today the Company had provided little concrete information regarding their business plans related to the acquisition.  It was everyone’s presumption, fueled by the initiation of DirecTV installation training for our Premises Technicians and the announcement by President Shelton of Randall Stevenson’s commitment to afford District 4 Premises Technicians the same twenty cents ($0.20) District 3 negotiated upon ratification, that Premises Technicians would be responsible for doing this work.

 After President Shelton’s announcement, it quickly became evident that AT&T’s Midwest Labor decided that strings needed to be attached to the agreement made between the two.  These contingencies included addressing the disagreement between District 4 and Labor around the Scope of Work for Appendix F (specifically FTTP and fiber work in the letter outside of the agreement). As I believe you know, the Company feels they agreed to a scope of work which gave the Company more latitude than what we feel was agreed to in bargaining. Midwest Labor’s position was the twenty cents ($0.20) would be applied if and when the District agreed to their interpretation of the scope and the District forfeited the ability to grieve or arbitrate the scope through the term of the collective bargaining agreement.  You can be assured that the District would not entertain either aspects of their proposal.  Since that time, Jerry, Curt, Ron, and I have been continually engaging Labor in discussions trying to resolve this issue.  In our efforts, we are trying to do more than just “win” a war of words with Labor.  Our focus has been to reach an agreement that would not only reflect what we agreed to in bargaining, but also secure work for the title(s) which traditionally performed that work.  In doing so, our Premises Technicians could focus on their current duties, as well as new ones related to DirecTV.  Any and all progress that could be made has, to this point, been hindered by AT&T Midwest Labor.  However, we will continue to push back…we must. 

With respect to the current lack of work we are experiencing; we, too, are concerned. But, as you heard at the same time we did, the department looks to have Premises Technicians do this work.  I would agree their current use of contractors and the DirecTV work not migrating to our technicians as quickly as we would like is frustrating.  Moreover, as of today we have heard from the department that all issues of their system integration have not been resolved.  Diminishing U-verse deployment is a concern, and our hope is the DirecTV work will fill that void in some capacity.  At the end of the day, I’m sure you know that we will fight, as always, to preserve every job out there. This situation is no different.        

Lastly, the bargaining taking place in District 9 concerning DirecTV employees may have an underlying effect on what is taking place with DirecTV nationally.

 In summary, I certainly understand the frustration that is out there, and I’m sure you know it is shared by the D4 staff, as well.   Finally, let me be clear.  The time it has taken to work through this is not due to us “finessing” around our relationship with the Company, or an attempt to preserve a “good” relationship with AT&T Midwest Labor.  On the contrary, as a result of the lack of cooperation from Midwest Labor on this and many other issues, our Midwest relationship is strained -- to say the least -- and appears to be quickly headed down a path by the Company's choice that will change the long-standing Midwest relationship for years to come.

If and when Midwest Labor decides to start working with us to try and resolve issues again, we will update you.  Until then, as a Local President, you certainly have the ability to recommend if your members join with the Company on any voluntary initiatives. 

In Solidarity,

Linda L. Hinton

Vice President

CWA District 4


AT&T announces 2016 3rd quarter surplus

Today, AT&T announced a 3rd quarter surplus in the Narrowband Organization within the Premium Care group in the AT&T Entertainment Group.  This surplus will affect employees represented by CWA Local 4340 in Brecksville, OH.

The majority of the employees to be affected by the AT&T announcement have met with management today, June 15, 2016 to review SIPP information.

AT&T’s announced surplus affecting CWA Local 4340 members are:

  • AT&T is eliminating 20 Maintenance Administrators (MA) positions at the Brecksville Call Center.

Article 26 of the CWA contract with AT&T governs all AT&T surplus declarations.  Please contact your Steward or the Union office with questions regarding Article 26.  The Union will continue to release updates as there are updates. 


AT&T Legacy S/Midwest SD&A/TFS Organizational change

To all Legacy S/Midwest Bargaining Unit Members within SD&A and TFS;

Today we received the following announcement from the Company:

April 15, 2016

AT&T Services, Inc.
AT&T Technology Operations

Effective August 1, 2016

As we continue to coordinate the planning needed to fully establish the Technical Field Services (TFS) organization, all SD&A Core Technicians (rural and metro) along with associated managers and a small number of Premises/Wire Technicians will move to TFS effective the first pay period starting on or after August 1, 2016.

The TFS organization will enable us to better meet our customer expectations of high levels of service – shorter provisioning intervals and maintenance. In addition, the focus of TFS will allow us to meet our goal of better execution by increasing teamwork and equipping our employees with the skills required in the future.

Effective immediately, we will begin the organization design planning process within SD&A to be effectively operational by August 1.

We still have a tremendous amount of work ahead of us and I encourage you to stay focused on what you do well everyday – delivering for our customers an effortless

Bill Huber
Senior Vice President-Technical Field Services
AT&T Services, Inc.

Gary Ludgood
Senior Vice President – Service
Delivery & Assurance
AT&T Services, Inc


As we recieve more information about these changes we will inform the Bargaining Unit members.

Your Officers,

Gary, Dave and Linda